What is Kinesiology?

Approximately every six weeks Cameron visits his Kinesiologist. He's been seeing her for five years and he loves his sessions.

Cameron is always eager to get in the car for Kinesiology and we enjoy our outing together. The drive up into the hills is really nice, the view is amazing and I always leave feeling relaxed and positive.

When we went to our first Kinesiology session with Cameron we had no idea what we were walking into and when we walked out My Marvellous Man and I got into the car, sat there in silence for a moment and then both shared our thoughts.

"Well, what do you think?"
"I don't know how to explain what just happened."
"I was waiting for the eagle feathers to come out and the chanting to start:"
"Do you think we should bring him back?"
"Yes, you?"
"Yes, why?"
"Did you see how well Cameron walked to the car?"
"We're coming back."

We were both stunned and struggled to explain to our family and friends what we had experienced. Cameron had wobbled and struggled to walk slowly on the gravel into the session and when we finished he walked confidently, independently and quickly back to the car. I was so glad My Marvellous Man had gone with me because I would never have been able to explain it to him.

We had an appointment last week and I asked for a description of what Kinesiology is so I could share it with you because it's hard to explain. Thank you Jill Melville for the following description.


Kinesiology is the study of movement and motion. It is a natural health programme using touch, acupressure and massage to improve postural balance and reduce physical and mental pain and tensions. It is a whole person approach to health combining ancient oriental principles and recent western developments with emphasis on nutrition, exercise, postural and muscle balance. These techniques are helpful in correcting back and neck problems, allergies. dyslexia, co-ordination, learning difficulties, emotional stress, structural problems, sporting injuries and nutritional imbalance. 

Kinesiolgy works directly with the nervous system and the body's innate intelligence. Practitioners use muscle monitoring to identify whether there is a reduction in neural signals flowing through the nervous system to specific areas of the body, which is often indicated by stress, illness or degeneration. Kinesiology is a method of restoring the natural energies of the body using simple methods of Therapeutic touch. With learning difficulties Kinesiology can help stimulate the brain and nervous system to enhance brain integration, improve co-ordination and reduce stress.

Kinesiology is a neurological biofeedback system. It evaluates nutritional imbalances, musculature related to postural movement, acupressure reflexes, emotional status and body system reflexes. This is associated with the structural, chemical and mental balance of the body. The Kinesiology system takes into account the total health picture and is focused on prevention and health enhancement. It educates and motivates the client as the therapy progresses.


Kinesiologists practice manual muscle monitoring because muscle testing detects weak muscles and each weak muscle is connected to a weak organ.

Each Kinesiologist is different according to what other areas they have studied. Our Kinesiologist has studied Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Magnetic Therapy and Bowen as well as a lot of other fields which fall under the Kinesiology umbrella such as Touch for Health and Applied Physiology. She balances Cameron's body.

My Little Angel used to be given a five minute balance when she was little and came with us. She would get extremely upset if she missed out. She clearly loved the feeling. I had a two minute glimpse just recently when the Kinesiologist gave me a quick balance. My eyes felt more open and clearer. My head was lighter, I felt light and happy. It was an amazing feeling and that was only after two minutes so I imagine an hour or more must be incredible.

Cameron's session starts on a couch and his muscles are tested with a rhythmic tapping. There are charts and books that she consults to work out specifically what he needs or what issues he is dealing with. She uses flower essences, tuning forks, an apparatus that places pressure on his acupressure points and massage, amongst other things.  After a seizure she will work to help his body recover and return to good health. It is a very physical but gentle therapy, all over the body.

Cameron used to fidget and be very difficult to keep on the couch but this last visit for the first time he stayed on the couch for the full session which was an hour and a half. His Kinesiologist usually has to follow him around the room to finish his treatment. When he was younger he was very difficult to keep still.

Our Kinesiologist often tells me how Cameron is feeling emotionally and sometimes gives me insights into why Cameron is behaving in certain ways. I know that sounds a little 'out there' but without giving her any background information she once told me that Cameron was feeling despondent and had given up on his future. We could understand his attitude, his seizures had taken so many of his new abilities and it felt like we were all going around and around in circles. She did what she could for him and then we followed up at home. We talked to him about how far he had come and how proud of him we were. We talked about his future and what we could see for him. We watched him regain his positive attitude.

At other times she has told me how he feels about people in his life, school and activities he does. She will tell me which parts of his brain are turned on and working and which areas are not. I usually spend most of our sessions with my mouth dropped open in awe of what she is saying.

As I said earlier, describing what Kinesiology is and what it does is really difficult. I know that it works for Cameron and that he benefits physically and emotionally. We believe it helps him achieve new skills and live a happier, healthier life.
