Cameron loves going to ....... the Perth Dance Company

Yes, Cameron loves going to the Perth Dance Company but he doesn't go to dance he goes to socialize.

My Little Angel has been dancing with Perth Dance Company for five years and for the first few years we tried not to take Cameron. This was her thing, it was about her and the reality is, when Cameron is around things tend to become about him. He draws attention and people are drawn to him.

For the last couple of years it has been unavoidable, we had to take Cameron with us to dancing. I would sit next to him often holding onto him so he wouldn't touch other parents and dancers, or bags. He has a thing about women's handbags, he loves to touch them and put his hands into them.

If I needed to leave the room to do anything I had to either take Cameron with me or ask someone to supervise him because he wasn't fully settled and would usually get up and follow me or introduce himself to a stranger. People started to get used to seeing Cameron at dancing and started to get to know him.

This year it has all changed. Cameron has to come to dancing at least twice a week and sometimes three times a week. He loves going to dancing. I only have to tell him once that we are taking My Little Angel to dancing and he will get up and get ready immediately. Seems a bit funny that a teenage boy would want to sit in a group of women and watch primary school girls dance but he does.

Why? Because of the Mum's. To be honest, he pays absolutely no attention to the dancing apart from clapping or singing to the music. Cameron has made friends with lots of the mum's this year. Everyone is comfortable with him and he has matured and is more settled. He won't follow me if I have to leave the room. In fact he will happily watch me leave. I've now started asking him who he wants to sit with because he likes to choose where he sits and who he wants to sit next to. He quite often changes seats during the lesson to share his company around. He really isn't all that fussed about sitting with me anymore and this is the first time this has happened outside of family and close friends.

Cameron really enjoys hanging out with his ladies. He will often flip through magazines - most of the time upside down. Sometimes he just sits and listens to the conversations, laughing when he feels entertained. Cameron is becoming so comfortable that he will tap someone if he wants their attention or wants to let them know that he's happy to be with them.

If My Marvellous Man is able to collect Cameron on the way home from work I'm happy but Cameron is not. He will ignore My Marvellous Man and then become glued to the seat. He really doesn't want to leave his ladies and has one final trick up his sleeve before being dragged out the door. Cameron will suddenly have to give Giselle (the dancing teacher), whom he adores, a big hug or at least become attached to her in some way. Sometimes he will only leave if Giselle escorts him to the door.

I am so grateful that we found Perth Dance Company for My Little Angel. She is able to grow and enjoy her passion for dancing while Cameron has been able to also grow in an accepting environment. Everyone is so supportive of him and us.

The Perth Dance Company is a very inclusive dancing school that accepts all dancers and Cameron picks up on this very accepting atmosphere. They aim to get people moving, have fun and stay healthy. There are no overinflated egos here and that contributes to the open and accepting atmosphere which Cameron responds to.

To be absolutely honest, if My Little Angel decided to stop dancing Cameron and I would have major friendship withdrawal. What would Cameron do if he couldn't hang out with his ladies?

If you would like to know more about  the Perth Dance Company check out their facebook page -

Please note: All content of this post is my own opinion and was not solicited or paid for by any  organization or business mentioned.
