Special Saturday - How do you and your family cope with holidays and the change of routine?

Holidays - I love holidays. I love the lack of routine and the change of pace. I love the sleeping in and the relaxed bedtime routine. I love spending time with my children and watching them relax and enjoy spending time with me. I love not having to go to school and the lack of homework.

Our lives are always so constrained with appointments and fitting in with other people's timetables and I think that is what I love most about holidays - even just a long weekend - we set our own timetable and only have to fit in with ourselves.

Admittedly we often have appointments during holidays but at least before and afterwards we control what we are doing.

Cameron likes school holidays, he loves being able to watch Playschool in the morning and sleep until he wants to wake up. He loves grazing over his food and not being rushed in the mornings. He loves time to do the things he loves and he loves having the time to watch Wiggles DVD's. He doesn't like the intense routine that our lives often follow for appointments. It also means we have the freedom to spend time with our family and friends and Cameron loves spending time with the people he adores and loves.

Holidays also give us the advantage of time when it comes to giving Cameron time to try and become independent. I have the time to sit back and let Cameron struggle to dress himself. When you have to be out the door you don't have time let him put his pants on backwards and then change them around or give him time to get lost inside his t-shirt before finally finding the head hole.

So in answer to the question I think you can guess - we cope very well with holidays and the change of routine, it's the going back to routine that we don't cope with very well.

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